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发表时间:2023-03-28 13:09:38  来源:资讯  浏览:次   【】【】【
      你来电话了的常见英文表达      You have a phone call 你来电话了      Your phone is ringing 你来电话了      call有电话的意思,但是老外常说的It is your c.


      You have a phone call 你来电话了

      Your phone is ringing 你来电话了

      call有电话的意思,但是老外常说的It is your call意思并不是“这是你的电话”,而是你说了算。

      在国外,电话很少直接翻译成call,更地道的翻译是phone call,你来电话了的英语就是you have a phone call。来电话的时候,手机会震动和响铃,所以来电话也能说your phone is ringing。


      Your phone was ringing when you went to the toilet.



      hang up [ˈhæŋ ʌp] 挂断电话

      answer the phone 接电话

      电话是phone,接电话也就是answer the phone,但是挂电话不是每次都用hang up哦。

      hang up的意思是挂断电话,这个短语多描述突然的中断,如果你和别人聊了一段时间再挂断电话,用hang up表示挂电话是很准确的。


      It is time to go to bed, I have to hang up.




      You'd better screen your calls when you cross the road.


      sorry,wrong number 对不起,打错了

      misdial [ˌmɪsˈdaɪəl] 拨错

      sorry,wrong number 打错电话


      如果是自己打错了电话,我们最好先说sorry道个歉,然后再说wrong number解释原因。如果想更正式,可以用I have got the wrong number或I have the wrong number。

      dial是拨电话,mis是否定前缀,所以打错电话也可以直接说misdial。如果是别人打错电话了,我们就说I am afraid that you have the wrong number或You must have dialed the wrong number。


      Hello,this is Amy speaking.


      Sorry,I have got the wrong number.


      It didn’t get through 电话打不通

      get through 接通电话

      如果说打错电话让人尴尬,一直打不通电话真的很令人恼火。get through是接通电话,所以打不通就是It did not get through。

      打不通电话最常见的情形就是占线,占线就是有人在打这个电话号码,所以就是the number/line is engaged或者the line is busy。


      I called my boyfriend this morning, but it did not get through.



      Hello, this is Jerry.


      May I speak to John?


      I am sorry.John is out of the office today.


      Would you like to leave a message?


      It’s nothing urgent. Thank you ,good-bye.


      I am sorry. I didn't catch what you said.


      Could you speak a little louder?


      Would you slow down, please?


      Excuse me,could you repeat it?


      I’m tied up now. I will call back later.


       “你来电话了”不是"Your call is coming"!

“你来电话了”千万别直译成"Your call is coming"!

      提醒别人来电话了别说your call is coming,这个表达一点也不正宗,今天皮卡丘教大家怎么用英语接电话和打电话,小伙伴们快来学习吧。


      call有电话的意思,但是老外常说的It is your call意思并不是“这是你的电话”,而是你说了算。在国外,电话很少直接翻译成call,更地道的翻译是phone call,你来电话了的英语就是:you have a phone call。

      来电话的时候,手机会震动和响铃,所以来电话也能说:your phone is ringing。


      ①You have a phone call

      ②Your phone is ringing


      Your phone was ringing when you went to the toilet.



      电话是phone,接电话也就是answer the phone,但是挂电话不是每次都用hang up哦。

      hang up的意思是挂断电话,这个短语多描述突然的中断,如果你和别人聊了一段时间再挂断电话,用hang up表示挂电话是很准确的。


      ①hang up 挂断电话

      ②answer the phone 接电话


      It is time to go to bed, I have to hang up.




      You'd better screen your calls when you cross the road.



      大家有没有经历过发错信息或打错电话的尴尬呢?如果是自己打错了电话,我们最好先说sorry道个歉,然后再说wrong number解释原因。如果想更正式,可以用I have got the wrong number或I have the wrong number。

      dial是拨电话,mis是否定前缀,所以打错电话也可以直接说misdial。如果是别人打错电话了,我们就说I am afraid that you have the wrong number或You must have dialed the wrong number。


      A:Hello,this is Amy speaking.


      B:Sorry,I have got the wrong number.



      如果说打错电话让人尴尬,一直打不通电话真的很令人恼火。get through是接通电话,所以打不通就是It did not get through。

      打不通电话最常见的情形就是占线,占线就是有人在打这个电话号码,所以就是the number/line is engaged或者the line is busy。


      I called my boyfriend this morning, but it did not get through.



      1)Hello, this is Jerry.


      2)May I speak to John?


      3)I am sorry.John is out of the office today.


      4)Would you like to leave a message?


      5)It’s nothing urgent. Thank you ,good-bye.


      6)I am sorry. I didn't catch what you said.


      7)Could you speak a little louder?


      8)Would you slow down, please?


      9)Excuse me,could you repeat it?


      10)I'm tied up now. I will call back later.



